So Eliza is 2 1/2 months old! And weighs a little over 10 lbs!
some of these pictures show what she's doing! She loves sucking on her fist or her fingers. She's been doing that since the beginning, but she's been doing it more lately.
We took her to Tautphaus park. She slept through most of it, but Billy and I really enjoyed it! :)
She Smiles a lot!!Sometimes she won't eat, cuz she's smiling! and she started laughing last week! Its hilarious, and the cutest thing ever!
I started putting gel in her hair, and it totally goes curly! I love it! (that would be from me! At least she has one thing of mine!)
When we go visit relatives she sleeps in a drawer. Works great right now, but when she starts crawling, and walking, we'll have to bring her portable crib. But for now its nice not having to carry it around.
She loves hanging out with her two cousins. She doesn't know it yet, but she does! I got 3 of the same outfit at my showers, so we had to put them all in it!! So fun! I'm so excited to see the three of them grow up together!
She loves listening to Billy practice with his band. I'll turn her away from them, and she tries as hard as she can to see them! Hopefully that means she'll have some musical talent! :)
We are trying to go walking a lot while the weather is still ok. That usually puts her to sleep and then I can go workout at our complexes gym while she sleeps in her stroller.
I'm starting her scrapbook, which is so fun! I'm not going as fast as I would like because Eliza doesn't like to be put down or not paid attention to. and she only takes about 30 min naps. But lately she's been taking one 3 hr nap later in the day, which is really nice. and she's still sleeping through the night! that's probably why her naps are so short. but I'd much rather her sleep through the night, so I can't complain!
She can hold her head up pretty high when she's on her tummy. she doesn't like to be on her tummy for too long though. And she loves standing up! She has strong little legs.
When she's lying down she kicks and moves her arms like crazy! The nurse said that's probably why she's still pretty little. She's between the 15 and 20th percentile in weight.
So Eliza is doing great! Billy and I are having so much fun with her. Billy's pretty busy with school, working on the farm, and playing with his Band. but he still finds some time to hang out with us! I love being a stay at home Mom! I love having dinner ready when he comes home, trying to keep the house in order, and doing some crafts, and of course hanging out with Eliza! Life is Great!