After a long 9 months of pregnancy, Eliza decided to make me wait just one more week till she would grace us with her presence. And I was ready to be done 3 months earlier! It seemed to be the longest 9 months of my life. The only nice thing about her being late was that I could get moved into our apartment, and get her nursery ready (that I absolutely love!).
So I was induced August 6th. Started having contractions at around 5pm. And as some of you know I was completely set on having a natural child birth using a method called Hypnobabies. But as the contractions got harder and 1 to 2 minutes apart I was thinking an epidural sounded real nice! I was hardly progressing, and was barely dialated to a 2. So I didn't think I would make it to 10 alive without one. So a little before 1am I got an epidural, and it was the best thing ever! I don't know how I was going to do it without one. I got to rest some that night. The doctor came in at 7am, I was at a 4, he broke my water and said let's have this baby by 12! I said ok! At around 10:30 Billy asked them to check me because I had started to feel some pressure. She checked and said I was complete! I did a few practice pushes with the nurses, and then they went and got the doctor because she was right at the door! I pushed 3 or 4 times and she was out! They said farm girls really know how to push them out fast! I was happy about that, and she was finally out! I remember thinking what a cute cry she had, and I still love it! They put her on me and I just couldn't believe she was here and she was actually mine. It was so surreal! She came August 7th at 11:18 am weighed 6lbs 9oz, and was 20" long. I was only 2oz's more, and same height. Billy could hardly contain himself. He's such a proud Dad!
So she finally got here. We had many visitors. We just love showing her off! We of course think she's the most beautiful baby ever!
When people see her they think she looks like Billy. she definitely has his nose. But you look at our baby pictures and she's a good mix of both of us. I'm just glad she has dark hair! I love it!
I can't believe she's almost a month old! We've just been having so much fun with her! I don't know what we did to deserve such a good baby. she already sleeps from around 11 or midnight to 6 or 7. So we get good sleep! And she only cries if she's hungry or messy.
I'm loving being a Mom. We just hang out all day, run errands, do crafts, make dinner for Dad, our hard working man, and I am finally getting good at keeping the house clean.
She's so fun to dress up, and put bows on! I love it!
Billy and I are still so in love. Some people say the husband feels neglected, and the parents don't have much time together, but neither of us feel that way at all. Its great! We're such a happy little family!