Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Plans as of now

So Billy's schooling is drawing to a close with 1 1/2 semesters left (finally! I never thought I'd see the end!). At least at BYU-I. He'll graduate with his bachelors in Accounting this December!
He's been working for a company called Melaleuca (they make home products from dish soap to granola bars, to makeup, and lots more) for the last 2 years as a hot shot. So he only works 3 days a month, which has worked well. Recently he has looked into their corporate office in Idaho Falls. We went and toured it, and it looked awesome! He had an interview last week with them, and he said it couldn't have gone better! He said Billy was spot on, and asked him when he would be able to start?! I'm so proud of him!! They have really great insurance, and I mean really great. A gym, a restaurant, and day care at the corporate office. They even have errand runners there who will go get your oil changed, pick up your dry cleaning etc... They also do a thing called tuition reimbursement. He just has to work for them for 2 years, and they'll pay for his master's degree (which is awesome!). Bummer thing: He will have to be working full time while going to school. He will probably work during the day, and then go to night school at ISU's idaho falls school. Needless to say, we probably won't see him much. But it will just be for 1 year. So looks like we'll be going to Idaho Falls when he graduates. Of course things are not set it stone yet, but it sure is nice having a good idea of what we'll be doing, and where we'll be going. We're thinking if everything works out we will look into buying a house, which gets me Very excited!! All of this looked so far into the future! I'm so glad its here and maybe we won't be poor college students forever!

Our plan before this was to maybe go somewhere farther away (like California!) for the 1 year of masters. But when Billy talked about a house, it was hard to say no.

I'm so excited for the next chapter of our lives...

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